Sunday, January 17, 2016

Cruising through January

It is hard to believe that we are already over halfway through January.  My goodness how time flies.  Little Letty Bean is now almost a month old.  We are finally, finally getting some times where she doesn't demand to be held.  That is nice.  Though I do enjoy holding her.  Sleep is still pretty rare, though that is mostly because of her being up every 3-4 hours to eat.  Can't really blame the Bean on that one, what with her tiny baby tummy.

This is the face I look at almost 100% of the time at home :D
Forrest is adjusting really well.  He likes being a big brother now, and there are no further requests to "take her back".  We had a pretty good snow right after Christmas that allowed for some fun sledding:

Our hill out front gets the job done for our three year old.  I think in the next couple of years he might outgrow it a bit.  We also had a fun father/son afternoon at the Children's Museum in Peoria.  Mandi's mother (Gigi) gave us a season pass for Christmas.  Very fun to get some use!

In other news, there were some HUGE developments for Titan Games - we opened another store in Peoria!  Titan Games PIA is now open for business, check out our facebook page: Here are some pictures of our board meeting where we made the final decision (Bean was present).

And finally, a fun picture of the newest gaming obsession.  For Christmas I made use of my store access to purchase and distribute some sweet gifts for my buddies:  Starter sets for Star Wars: Armada.  Its a table top miniatures game that basically mirrors a game we used to make up on our own with Star Wars Micro-Machines.  Only this time my buddy Hart can't just cheat and make up rules as we go.  Here is a pic of some of the sweet loot:

My friend Wes and I have been playing 1-2 times per week.  Generally during Mandi's rest time when its just Bean and I.  Nothing helps passing the time like some table top strategy games, Beers, and Cowboy Bebop on the plasma.  Good times!