This is what I am talking about when I am talking about rotations. Lots more free time, no rounding on the weekends. It makes me long for second year. But, I have more rouding ahead of me, much more. I guess I will enjoy this as I can.
In other news, I am Team Cover today. TC is the resident who keeps watch over all of the residency patients for those residents not around to be there themselves. Maybe they are on vacation, maybe they are on an away rotation, maybe they are sick. It matters not, for TEAM COVER is there to save the day. Meh, thats far more glorious than it actually is. In reality is me sitting in a chair doing paper work and answering the odd phone call. On the typical day there are anywhere from 4-8 residents doing something that requires cover. During peak vacation times or the flu season, sometimes we have as many as 9-13 residents gone. But today? Block 7 when no one is allowed to be on vacation? Yeah, there is ONE person out doing a rural medicine block. And even this guy only needs his mail box checked, not even his hack box. So here sit, with no work and 2 hours to do it.
But hey, you won't hear me complain. It has afforded me the chance for an update.
And speaking of date, tonight is date night with the wife. W00t! And, thanks to the generosity of my mother and her $50 gift card to the Lob, we don't have to go to Sams and just eat samples. Not that there is anything wrong with that ;)
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